Friday, May 25, 2007

yay i love my class! <3

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

i dont feel that exams are over.
i dont know what i'm doing.
i dont feel the joy that everyone else is having.
the thought that it's over doesnt seem to haunt me.
maybe it's just me,
the sucky feeling inside me.
i've lost confidence in myself.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

you can never predict what is going to happen tomorrow.
that's life.
the music between our thoughts,
the light in our eyes.

8 more days to prep prelims.
this is freaking me out.

Monday, April 9, 2007

does everyone just work towards happiness of their own,
and shove everything else aside?

Thursday, April 5, 2007

yay we made it under 12mins for 2.4 this year (:
yuhui: 11:42
joanna: 11:52

i realised 3 days without school is still not enough for me to complete all my homework ):
those accumulated past year papers!

Friday, March 30, 2007

i played netball for the last time this year.
i had mixed feelings
4 years of netball ended.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

i've decided what i want and what i don't.
yes, finally the thoughts were sorted out.
i want to be a happy person,
and never be sad for more than a day.
now nothing is more important than the big O.
any other things can be shoved aside
no life, maybe.
but studying can be something to be enjoyed as well.
call me insane, for all i care
but at least i know what i want.
when you enjoy something, you'll do it well.
when you have confidence in something,
you excel.
though it doesnt work for all,
school life to me revolves around that.
but of course, i wont go nuts.
there are little breaks to enjoy as well.
let food do its job
food, to me, is an entertainment.
oh, i mean eat in moderation.(:
love too, serves as a motivation
but it isnt reliable,
and shouldnt be the only thing you rely on.
at least for now it shouldnt.

always believe in yourself
if you havent,
its time to do so.